Hüseyin Avni LİFİJ
(1886 - 1927)

Desenler - Drawings
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Sanatçının Eşi (profil) - Painter's Wife (profile)
D001 - (29,0 x 22,0 cm)
Sanatçının Eşi - Painter's Wife
D002 - (23,0 x 15,5 cm)
Oturan Çocuk, arkadan - Sitting Boy, from behind
D003 - (25,5 x 31,0 cm)
Uzaktaki Konak - Distant House
D004 - (32,5 x 24,0 cm)
Mahallede Mezarlık - Graveyard in the Village
D005 - (27,8 x 22,5 cm)
Ayakta Genç Kız - Standing Young Girl
D006 - (27,0 x 12,5 cm)
Dam Üzerinden Çizim - Drawing from the Roof
D007 - (30,2 x 23,5 cm)
Minareli Görünü - View with Minaret
D008 - (20,2 x 21,5 cm)
Kalkınma (eskiz) - Recovery (draft)
D009 - (6,5 x 20,0 cm)
Dağ Eteğinde Kasaba - Village Beneath the Mountain
D010 - (28,2 x 48,3 cm)
Kasaba Meydanı - Square in the Village
D011 - (30,2 x 45,3 cm)
Kırda Mola - Rest in a Resort
D012 - (31,2 x 47,5 cm)
Haliçten Görünü I - View from Halic
D013 - (21,6 x 34,3 cm)
Ağaç Etüdü - Tree Study
D014 - (45,0 x 30,8 cm)
Cici Babanın Portresi - Portrait of the Painters Father in Law
D015 - (29,0 x 21,5 cm)
Annesinin Portresi - Portrait of the Painter's Mother
D016- (28,7 x 20,2 cm)
Ressamın Annesi - Painter's Mother
D017 - (31,0 x 23,8 cm)
Otoportre - Self-Portrait
D018 - (28,8 x 21,5 cm)
Ayakta Nü Profili - Standing Nude Profile
D019 - (32,7 x 25,1 cm)
Çalışma: İşçi I - Study: Worker I
D020 - (34,3 x 21,6 cm)
Çalışma: İşçi II - Study: Worker II
D021 - (31,0 x 24,0 cm)
Hüzünlü Kadın - Sorrowful Woman
D022 - (31,2 x 23,9 cm)
Ayakta Kadın ve Eller - Standing Woman and Hands
D023 - (31,3 x 24,0 cm)
Oturan Kadın - Sitting Woman
D024 - (24,8 x 21,8 cm)
Görünüş (Köprü ve Ağaçlar) - View (Bridge and Trees)
D025 - (33,6 x 31,0 cm)
İstanbul'dan Siluet - Silhoutte from Istanbul
D026 - (24,0 x 31,0 cm)
Yıkık Minare ve Çeşme - Broken Minaret and Fountain
D027 - (29,5 x 22,7 cm)
Tulumcu Hüssam Camiinden İzlenim - Impression from Tulumcu Hussam Mosque
D028 - (21,7 x 29,2 cm)
Haliçten Görünü II - View From Halic II
D029 - (20,8 x 33,6 cm)
Uzaktan Haliç - Golden Horn (Halic) from Far
D030 - (30,0 x 23,4 cm)
Anadolu Kenti - Anatolian City
D031 - (31,6 x 23,8 cm)
Afyondan Görünü - View from Afyon
D032 - (23,2 x 31,2 cm)
Kemer ve Ağaçlar - Arch and Trees
D033 - (31,4 x 21,0 cm)
Kasaba Evleri - Village Houses
D034 - (24,8 x 31,6 cm)
Süleymaniye'den Veznecilere Giren Geçit - Gateway from Suleymaniye to Vezneciler
D035 - (31,1 x 23,6 cm)
Kilise Camii - Church Mosque
D036 - (21,5 x 34,3 cm)
Gülhane'den - From Gulhane
D037 - (24,8 x 31,6 cm)
Büyük Postahane - Great Post-Office
D039 - (31,0 x 24,0 cm)
Kurban Bayramına Hazırlık - Preparation for Kurban (Sacrifice) Feast
D041 - (21,5 x 34,2 cm)
Camiye Gidenler - People Going to Mosque
D042 - (22,0 x 31,0 cm)


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